
The main character. Created by Dr. Dark. Used to have the name Megaman, since he was the original, but is now called Jason because of a snide remark from Dr. Light regarding Jason's generally violent nature.

Likes: Beer, Violence
Hates: Anyone that crosses his path, PBS


Creator: Unknown. A very cultured and well mannered being; enjoys the arts, history, and english. Is also very, very evil and enjoys the ruin of others. His software is glitchy throwing him into psychopathic rages from time to time. Inspired by Dr. Jeckell and Mr. Hide.

Likes: Anything tasteful, Anything tasteful and evil, Fire
Dislikes: Heavy Metal, Slang, Monster Truck Rallies
(Glitched)Likes: Heavy Metal, Fire, Monster Truck Rallies, Fire, Death, Shooting Stuff
(Glitched)Dislikes: Everything but Fire


Created by Dr. Light. Is an almost total copy of Jason, except the personality is completly inverse. Very stupid. Is best friends with Bass.

Likes: Ice Cream, Happy thoughts
Dislikes: Mean People, Fire, Spikes, Wily, Disappearing Blocks, Fire


Created by Dr. Wiley. Very kind-hearted for a bad guy. Very stupid. Is best friends with MegaMan.

Likes: Ice Cream, Cute Animals, Happy Thoughts
Dislikes: Anyone that wants to hurt MegaMan, take his ice cream, or harm cute animals


Bass's new brother. He can speak l33t, and has many other silly although effective abilities. Rather tricky, somewhat of an incarnation of the cynical part of my mind.

Likes: Making wise cracks, showing off
Dislikes: Nothing in particular


Your friendly wandering Protoman. A nice guy, but needs to get some friends instead of disappearing all the time. Has a magic 8-ball.

Likes: The 'lone wolf' lifestyle, battle, good
Dislikes: The loneliness of his lifestyle, evil, staying in one place

Alternative Protoman

A clone of Protoman. Not very physical, easily disgusted.

Likes: Redecorating, gossip, men
Dislikes: Violence, sports, most of the characters in this comic since they are violent

Pirate Protoman

A clone of Protoman. Been at sea too much.

Likes: Pillaging, whores
Dislikes: Alternative Protoman, goodwill towards men

Deranged Protoman

A clone of Protoman. He has more problems then anything I have created yet. The name says it all.

Likes: Eating small mammals, eating large mammals, eating people, destroying things of any size
Dislikes: Animals, anything 'tasty' that he can't eat

Gangsta Protoman

A clone of Protoman. Has a grudge against the Author. Tries to be unnecessarily tough.

Likes: Thug lifestyle, pimpin
Dislikes: Pretty much everything that doesn't look tough


Created by Dr. Light. MegaMan's sister. Minor character so far.


Dr. Light's first real creation. Has grown pompus and arrogant over the years. Built himself a truck in his own likeness.

Likes: Being an asshole and a prick to everyone he meets, Running stuff over
Dislikes: People in general, Dr. Light in particular

Dr. Light

A generally inept and stupid scientist. Had to steal MegaMan's designs from Dr. Dark. Can't figure out obvious things and always makes MegaMan throw all his weapons away.

Likes: Watching TV, Coloring books, Prentending he is a real scientist
Dislikes: Anyone hurting his creations, Having his mistakes pointed out

Dr. Dark

A capable and overall brilliant scientist. Came up with the original MegaMan. Has a somewhat devious streak, and it shows in his creations. Doesn't really like Dr. Light after his MegaMan design was copied, very poorly at that.

Likes: Creating 'advanced technologies' like flamethrowers and bombs
Dislikes: Dr. Light, PBS

Dr. Wily

A capable scientist with an ego problem resulting in his continuing loss against Megaman. Trying to take over the world even though he should be using hostages instead of 8 robot masters.

Likes: Robot Masters, Robots that defy reasoning, World Domination, PBS, Soda
Dislikes: Megaman, Losing to Megaman, Dr. Light for creating Megaman, Protoman for defending Megaman, Auto for repairing Megaman, Rush for helping Megaman, Flat Soda

The Author - Cyber_Ant

It's me. My incarnation, both 16-bit and 32-bit.

Likes: X-Box the comic character
Dislikes: X-Box the system

© 2002 Ian Christianson
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